"Understanding the effects that technological innovations
have on children in ECEC as well as their teachers and parents is a critical step in developing sustainable strategies and techniques in terms of managing and using digital tools in education." (Yngvesson & Blatchford 2022) |
The role & power of digital tools
“Our relationship with technology is actually symbiotic, what we make says who we are…and what
we are, what we make! While technology education is rarely considered a citizenship issue, the fact is that in the process of making technological choices and applying the technologies around us we also change ourselves. The technologies we develop change the way we think, live and even the ways in which we perceive ourselves” (Siraj-Blatchford, 2003, p1). |
Exploring creative depths |
A lasting journey |
The overall objective of this project is to allow children to be creative in their learning using digital tools.
The project wants to: # Strengthen teachers' creative digital competence, and raise the personal and collective competence in using technology in a creative way and create understanding for the importance of creativity in children's learning. # Develop digital teaching competence by stimulate teachers to innovate their teaching strategies. # Create digital awareness and raising teachers' awareness of possibilities and risks for children in a rapidly developing digital era. |
Five partners from three different countries (Sweden, Italy and Portugal) received funding under the Erasmus+ Programme to jointly investigate and empower teachers using digital tools in early childhood.
Throughout 36 months, partners will meet virtually but also face to face, allowing for effective exhange of good practices, learning models and strategies. Learning and teaching activities for school staff are also foreseen to enable teachers on how to apply digital technologies in the learning design in a intentional and meaningful way. |